Maritozzo: There Are No Awards They Can’t Take

December is just the right time to draw the conclusion of the year. The year 2017 has been rather busy for Maritozzo and, we won’t play coy, pretty successful at that. Over the past few months Maritozzo have substantially enlarged the number of awards received and the number of guests loving this place.

Eccellenze Italiane is an organization that monitors the image of Italy abroad and they have marked Maritozzo as a real Italian restaurant, awarding a certificate. The first published in Russia gourmet guide "Gault & Millau Russia — Moscow 2018", the international authority of which is no less than that of Michelin’s, has included Maritozzo in the list of the thirteen best restaurants of the city and graded it with three caps.

Moreover, Maritozzo has entered the top Italian restaurants according to the most influential "Gambero Rosso". And also they have received the certificate "Ospitalità Italiana", confirming that Andrea Impero and his team are making authentic Italian cuisine, not a fake.

And although the restaurant is only one year old and is just at the beginning of its way, you can be sure that Maritozzo will be even more awarded next year.