Moscow Gastronomic Festival in Maritozzo

From 1 to 31 October the annual Moscow Gastronomic Festival is held in the capital. Its main idea and philosophy is to tell as many guests as possible about the most interesting culinary projects in the city. To do so all the participating restaurants serve special tasting sets, which have the same price for all projects — 1900 rubles. Of course we also participate and we have prepared something special for our guests.

Our chef Andrea Impero is an Italian and he has been telling Muscovites about the true Italian cuisine and its flavors for almost a year. For the festival he has prepared a set of four courses that demonstrate the cuisine of the restaurant, but do not duplicate items from the main menu. It includes: literally rainbow grilled octopus (looks like suprematist painting), roasted rabbit with five sauces, tagliatelle of cuttlefish on tagliatelle pasta with cauliflower, and for dessert there is a refreshing cold soup of carrot and orange.